Linda Sexton Has To Go
Linda Sexton is as wrong on CRT as she was when she said maskless children are the same as murderers.
Recently, Norman Public School Board member Linda Sexton, stated the Critical Race Theory is not in NPS Schools. But much like her outrageous comments equating maskless children to murderers, she is yet again dangerously out of touch.
The proof that she is wrong comes directly from NPS-DEI Director Stephanie Williams herself, in her “Teach for Equity” teacher training.
Last Spring, Norman Public Schools Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion gave a training to teachers called "Teaching for Equity." Please follow along.
First, it is important to note that there is no difference between CRT, DEI & Antiracism as practiced in schools, organizations, and government. All three monikers are seamlessly interchangeable drawing distinctions without a difference. "The Work" is foundational to all 3.
The Work" is a systematic and discriminatory method of action designed to induce institutional compliance and structural transformation by using these techniques. This system of manipulation can be identified in Stephanie Williams' Norman Public Schools Teacher Training.
The process starts with intentional misdirection, designed to leave the target feeling unsure and insecure. She does this in the macro by ignoring her presented outline.
She does this in the micro by presenting illogical, non-linear graphics that serve to camouflage the Ethnocentric Viewpoint discrimination necessary to engineer Equity This is especially effective on teachers who are specifically trained to present ideas linearly and logically.
Within this illogical, non-linear structure, Ms. Williams actually begins at Step 4 of her outline. Having Hard Conversations. Though, she does not present this slide at the time that she is doing this.
Respect her authority and understanding. It is required for your job. "Not optional" Research and Relearn privilege and what that means for you. (identity + viewpoint = privilege status)
Reflect on whether or not your identity + viewpoints place you into the historically privileged or marginalized category. (Because your requirements are different based upon these uncontrollable factors)
Resign yourself to accepting without question that if you are in the historically privileged category that you must experience the discomfort of receiving and inflicting discrimination in order to create Equity. Important Note for Later "Hard Conversations" in DEI trainings is a renamed version of the "Growth Zone" of AntiRacism, which is CRT in practice. "The Work" is the systemic method of action connecting all the monikers of CRT ideology. I will show this in order later.
The Research and Reflect portions of "Hard Conversations" are the incrimination portion of this manipulation. She sets this up by offering a false sense of security to those who might have doubts or might dissent.
The Relearn and Resign are the intimidation. She presents specious, incomplete data out of context supposedly showing how a majority of teachers feel about Equity. This is designed to create the mirage of peer pressure, in order to coerce teachers into acceptance.
Although she says there are no wrong answers, she quickly contradict that statement after presenting the above "data"
Then, she confirms her implicit assertions that your status as privileged or marginalized derive first from the color of your skin. She uses the term "other than white" to draw this bright line distinction. Allyship is only achieved for privileged viewpoint acceptance
She then implicitly defines what this separation entails. The Historically Privileged must gain the Empathy (acceptance of CRT ideology) in order to be good (Ally). Notice the asymmetry of expectations based upon the formula.
Identity + Viewpoint = Privilege Status.
Manipulating Language and Structure She then makes an unannounced shift from practicing "The Work" on the teachers (Equity in Action) to training them how to do "The Work" in their classrooms or "spheres of influence" (Equity Literacy) This is an inversion of her outline.
The implicit message is that Equity, The Work, and Ethnocentric Viewpoint Discrimination are synonymous in definition and practice. After presenting this is when she brings in the AntiRacism moniker via Kendi, that is "The Work" in policy and practice.
This is "The Growth Zone in Order. Compare these requirements to the "Hard Conversations" in found in Tweet 7/. Also notice the switch from the individual (CRT ideology) to the societal (Antiracism) in the progression. DEI Enforcement is the Institutional Enforcement.
This is Critical Race Theory in practice. It is being trained in NPS teachers and passed on to your students in PRAXIS (in practice).
Linda Sexton is either clueless or a willful participant. Either way, she has to go.